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Asia IP

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Contributory Infringement in IP-related Court Procedures

While a plaintiff will usually try to include as many defendants as possible in a court procedure, i...

Tolins Directors Imprisoned for Taking a False Stand in Court

How can an Norwich Pharmacal order help you during litigation?

Damages in Trademark Infringement Cases: A Case Study of the Yahoo v. Sanja Patel Case

With the Indian legislature and judiciary realizing the increasingly important need to safeguard and...

Litigation Strategies for Patent Infringements in China

Patent infringement litigation has its own unique characteristics and technical complexities, and th...

Tackling IP Infringement at an Exhibition in China

When attending an exhibition, trade fair or convention in China, it isn't just your products you nee...

China: New Judicial Interpretation on Patent Infringement

The Supreme Court of China has recently published a new judicial interpretation with regards to how...