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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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India gov’t publishes Draft GI of Goods (Registration and Protection) (Amendment) Rules, 2023

IP lawyer from Delhi suggests other much-needed amendments and why.

Global Innovation Index 2023: India, Vietnam overperform for 13 consecutive years

IP lawyers from Gurugram and Ho Chi Minh discuss why their countries have been overperforming.

Lessons from the SAG strike

With Hollywood’s 118-day strike resolved, production can finally resume on our favourite evening TV...

Consumer interest: In trademark litigation, are consumers the missing party?

There is a growing belief that the consumer is a crucial third party missing from the courtroom. Esp...

Protecting software and computer-implemented inventions

Software is now a vital part of innovation across various sectors, but many nations lack sufficient...

2023 India’s Top IP Firms and Practices Revealed

Intellectual property owners have been overwhelmingly positive about the changes they’ve seen to Ind...

Recording evidence via live transcription in court seen in India for the first time

Delhi High Court allowed live transcription for a patent infringement suit, IP lawyer cites benefits...

3 digital storytelling platforms, 1 copyright infringement suit

In India, an online storytelling platform filed a suit against another, third one cried foul.