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Asia IP

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Free trade zones and fake goods

The updated “Trends in Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods” report by the Organization for Econom...

Aiming for girl power in India’s patents scene

India comes in strong at 7th position among 20 countries with the largest share of international pat...

Trademark for Public Pee Arises Morality Concern

Registering a trademark contrary to public policy/morality?

Patentability of Computer Related or Implemented Inventions (CRIs or CIIs) in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and India

Patent legislation and practice in the patentability assessment of computer related or implemented i...

IP filings up 15 percent in the Philippines

Intellectual property filings in the Philippines, both from Filipinos and foreign nationals, saw an...

New Heights

WIPO reveals that IP filings reached record heights in 2017 – mostly on the strength of China.

WIPO cybersquatting cases grow by 12% to reach new record

Trademark owners filed a record 3,447 cases under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy...

Marrakesh Treaty: Ending the “book famine”

Contracting parties to the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who...