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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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The Metaverse is Coming: How can Asia’s Developing Jurisdictions Cope with its IP Issues?

Imagine a parallel three-dimensional (3D) virtual world touted as the next-level-internet. Here, peo...

McDonald's Peppa Pig caught in Russia-Ukraine conflict

Entertainment One UK, the proprietor of British cartoon favorite Peppa Pig Ltd, brought trademark in...

Philippines Partners with Motion Picture Association (MPA) To Develop Piracy Monitoring System

The Philippines has teamed with the Motion Picture Association (MPA), which has agreed to assist in...

Employment agreements and compensation in multi-jurisdictional inventorship

Employment agreements for multi-jurisdictional inventorship should be carefully thought through to a...

Benedict Frey will be presenting at the marcus evans IP Law Online Summit 2021

The 34th marcus evans IP Law Online Summit 2021, which will be held June 16 – 17.

Determination of jurisdiction when an arbitration clause is part of a contract

Siddhast Intellectual Property Innovations Pvt. Ltd v. The Controller General of Patents Designs Tra...

China introduces stricter criminal punishment for IP infringement

The country is stepping up its game in patent and trademark protection.