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Asia IP

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Calm Amid the Storm

Although Thailand has been wracked by political confrontation, the intellectual property environment...

Shining Lights

Announcing the first annual IP Counsel of the Year Awards, Gregory Glass speaks to the winners, ...

Do OEM Products Made for Export Infringe Trademarks in China?

In a surprising and much debated decision, the Shanghai Higher People’s Court has recently uph...

Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Malaysia

With the recent economic downturn, companies have had to make the best use of their limited enforcem...

India: Parallel Imports and the Exhaustion of Rights

How many times have we admired newly-launched products and have craved to own such a product to the...

Minor Markets Move Towards Compliance

Some of the poorest countries in the region – as well as those racked by war, famine and oppre...