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Asia IP

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Trademark professionals reminded: Be careful when filing evidence of use, or first use

IP attorney gives advice on the heels of bicycle numeral marks dispute in India

Survey reveals gender bias in Hong Kong’s legal sector

23.7 percent of the female respondents said they are often “advised” to choose a different specialty...

The inevitability of natural justice under the Indian patent regime

Natural justice is an inseparable ingredient of procedural fairness and reasonableness. It is ranked...

Reverse engineering disassembled

While reverse engineering often comes with a negative connotation, particularly when it comes to pat...

Public consultation for copyright enforcement review in Australia now underway

The Attorney-General’s Department has released an Issues paper for public consultation.

IP attorney says there’s a lot of copying, “inspiring” in fashion world

NZ IP attorney discusses infringement issue involving Greek clothing brand and leading retailer

Singapore: Corporate names, domain names and social media handles serve as evidence towards trademark use

(the subject mark) under, amongst others, Class 37 for certain services in relation to flooring and...

Malaysia Holds Successful Event for Digital Creators

This event is an opportunity for digital creators in Malaysia to enhance their IP.