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Asia IP

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Seller of illegal streaming devices at popular shopping centre in Singapore charged in court

More targeted approach to address illegal streaming in SG may work better, says IP lawyer.

Indian gov’t says country’s existing IP regime can protect AI-generated works

No need for separate rights, says gov’t, but IP lawyer believes legislation should be amended.

Towards a more equitable copyright system

For the second time, the Supreme Court of the Philippines has urged the Philippines Congress and the...

Did the Ed Sheeran copyright case blur the lines for music creativity?

Ed Sheeran’s recent copyright case may be seen as a turning point for the music industry, but cautio...

Latest in New Zealand divorced couple copyright case: Artist gets exclusive rights

Is copyright created during a relationship, relationship property?

Copyright protection for AI-generated works: A landmark Chinese court ruling

A landmark ruling from the Beijing Internet Court carries significant implications for the future of...

IPOPHL releases statutory fair use guidelines to clarify rules on copyright exceptions

This is to help Filipino innovators, educators and creatives develop a deeper knowledge of IP rights...