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Asia IP

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Fraudulent signatures deal major blow to a Schedule A litigation case

This questions patent validity and exposes systemic legal flaws.

Protecting consumer interests in trademark examinations

Consumer interests are increasingly important considerations in the examination and trial of tradema...

Build and defend: All-around strategies for corporations to manage trade secrets and assert rights of trade secrets in China

Trade secrets are often difficult to protect, making management systems key for companies that want...

China’s IP Experts 2024

In what was a record year for global patent filing, China remains atop the global patent filing stan...

China expands IP protection centres

The CNIPA recently approved the building of a national IP protection centre in the Ningxia Hui auton...

Demand soars for cultural products amidst rising concerns over knockoffs

Dunhuang Academy addresses this problem by combining the digital resources with blockchain technolog...

Dyson hairdryer patent expiration floods China’s market with dupes

Competition intensified among hairdryer brands following the patent expiration.

China Strategies Guide 2024

Navigating China's IP landscape requires strategic foresight and expert guidance. Whether you're int...