Asia IP
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Nopparat Lalitkomon promoted to partner at Tilleke & Gibbins
Lalitkomon leads firm’s data privacy and cybersecurity practice in Thailand and Vietnam.
Asia IP Patent Rankings 2023
Who are the leading patent practices of 2023? Find out through the results of the 2023 Asia IP Paten...
2023 Asia IP Awards winners crowned in Singapore
Fifty-three firms from 24 Asia-Pacific jurisdictions took home trophies at the 14th annual Asia IP A...
2023 Global Innovation Index: Singapore regains top ranking in Asia
Singapore climbs two notches to 5th in the world, performing well in several indicators
IP protection at the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games
The Games’ emblem, slogan and mascots have earned the “special symbol” tag
Thailand’s IP Experts
Thailand’s Department of Intellectual Property is ramping up its efforts to tackle IP violations nat...
Indonesia’s IP Experts
Indonesia’s IP lawyers are apt to be busy in the near future, if the country’s recent news headlines...
Shortlist revealed for 2023 Asia IP Awards
We have researched all the major jurisdictions across Asia and the Pacific to put together a shortli...