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Asia IP

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Indonesia’s new patent examination guidelines for new use claims

The guidelines expand the scope of patentable subject matter to include second medical use.

IPOPHL Keeps Up With Highest Marks In Eight Years

Commission on Audit (COA) gave the IPOPHL a "unqualified/unmodified opinion", the highest auditing m...

Benedict Frey will be presenting at the marcus evans IP Law Online Summit 2021

The 34th marcus evans IP Law Online Summit 2021, which will be held June 16 – 17.

JPO rejects Armani’s opposition in Eagle logo

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) has rejected Armani's opposition to Japanese TM Reg No. 6214148 for V-...

Late filing of evidence in a trademark opposition proceeding, pardoned!

This matter pertains to registration of the mark “BEABA” at the IPOS filed under No. 40201909817Y in...

SEP and the Cities

In this ever-changing world, licensors and licensees must keep up with the global nature of the stan...