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Asia IP

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The Safe Harbour and Beyond

How has DMCA enforcement evolved in Asia?

Draft Patent Amendments Aim to Improve Enforcement in China

Between an increase in fines and an expansion of administrative enforcement powers, China is ad...

FRAND = Friend

Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory terms are married with SEP agreements, but who rules the con...

China Shows its Hand

Anna Zhang looks into China’s intellectual property regime: pluses and minuses between squatti...

Design Patents: An underestimated yet useful tool for IP protection

Design patents can be a powerful tool to protect innovative industrial designs. Mengmeng Yu and Xia...

China’s new Trademark Law: In close scrutiny

The astronomical rise of trademark applications in China has been hailed as a great benefit to mark...

RISING CHINA - China’s strong innovation performance closes in on the US

From science and technology hubs across China, remarkable changes are occurring – and the US, long a...