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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Singaporean photographer wins appeal in copyright case against artist from Luxembourg

Court decision essential in today’s information age, a triumph for copyright holders, says IP lawyer

Singapore: Who Owns the Copyright?

When a client secures the services of a photography studio for a photo-taking session, who owns the...

Who owns your wedding photos? Changes to first ownership rights highlight Singapore’s amended Copyright Act

Who owns the rights to your wedding photos? Singaporeans are long accustomed to owning the rights of...

Singapore’s amended Copyright Act grants rights over wedding photos to photographers

Creators of photographs, portraits, engravings, sound recordings and films will become the default f...

Copyright implications of sharing photographs, videos and other content on social media

Exploring the implications of uploading content on social media

Who Owns the Copyright in a Photograph?

Who owns the copyright in a photograph, the photographer or the subject? The High Court in East ...