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Asia IP

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From pandemic to progress: Rowel Barba’s legacy at IPOPHL

Rowel Barba sits down to talk about Covid-19, counterfeiting, and his vision for his office’s next l...

A peek at the pandemic accord

The Pandemic Accord seeks to ensure that all governments, communities and sectors are better protect...

Global Innovation Index 2023: India, Vietnam overperform for 13 consecutive years

IP lawyers from Gurugram and Ho Chi Minh discuss why their countries have been overperforming.

Vietnam reduces IP filing fee for pandemic-affected businesses, individual

Vietnam’s Minister of Finance issues Circular reducing collection rates for 36 fees and charges

2022 IP filings reach a record high as the nation recovers from the pandemic

More Filipinos are starting to see the competitive benefit of maintaining some kind of control over...

First-half Philippine IP filings increase, surpassing pre-pandemic levels.

According to the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), as COVID-19 limitations l...

The rise of IP rights and data privacy in a pandemic

speaking with two Baker McKenzie lawyers about the intersection of the pandemic, IP and data privacy...

CNIPA commissioner proposes ways to tackle post-pandemic IP protection challenges

Dr. Shen Changyu, commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) pr...