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Asia IP

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IPOPHL partners with investors for safeguarding IP rights

Under the MOA, IPOPHL can offer technical support under the IAP and assist with enforcement-related...

India: The perils of not naming the correct inventors

When an invention is created by the joint efforts of many persons, all of them qualify to be named a...

New study reveals that Singapore has more female brand owners and inventors

IPOS says that there has been a consistent increase in the number of female brand owners and invento...

WIPO’s Inventor Assistance Programme for youth innovators launched in Singapore

The programme extends pro-bono patent drafting, prosecution services

Employment agreements and compensation in multi-jurisdictional inventorship

Employment agreements for multi-jurisdictional inventorship should be carefully thought through to a...

IPOPHL Brings WIPO Program Closer to Filipino Inventors Seeking to Go Global

WIPO's online portal for its Inventor Assistance Program (IAP) now remotely accommodates Filipino in...

Budding Inventors, Be-(A)ware!!!

Kuek Pei Yee explains four things an employee inventor should know about Malaysian patent laws.