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Asia IP

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R We Similar?

A recent Intellectual Property Office of Singapore decision in the matter of Google LLC v. Green Rad...

IPOS rejects Google opposition to registration of “confusingly similar” mark in Singapore

Google failed on grounds of confusing similarity, anti-dilution, unfair advantage, among others.

Google’s use of trademarks as keywords makes it liable for infringement – Delhi HC

Delhi High Court issues ruling over trademark infringement case involving keyword-based advertising.

Trademark advertising in India through Google Ads – Current scenario

India has been pro-actively dealing with trademark registrations, infringements and safeguarding pro...

Copyright violations make up bulk of complaints by Indian users received by Google in July 2022

IP lawyer suggests ways to fight online infringement amid increasing complaints

Google officials including CEO, employees face raps for copyright infringement in India

Police in Mumbai, India filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Google, its CEO Sundar Pichai...

Complaints from India prompt Google to remove highest no. of content, mostly for copyright issues

In its monthly transparency report last month, Google stated it took down an all-time high of 95,680...

Google vs Oracle: A Story of API

Is Oracle's Java API are copyrightable and, if so, did Google infringe these copyrights when they in...