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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Distribution and franchising in Russia

For the purposes of dynamic development of any large and ambitious company, entering a new market is...

What should we know about the names of drugs?

When it comes to naming drugs, there’s more to consider than simply coming up with a snappy trade na...

India’s IP and competition laws: Complementary or conflicting?

Indian IP owners face a delicate balance between commercialization and running afoul of the country’...

Investing in IPR

Intellectual property rights is a crucial aspect to ensuring business success . How can investors ga...

Linklaters launches Making Links Asia University Programme in Asia, Middle East

Global firm announces expansion of programme that runs in the UK, Europe and the United States.

BIP Asia: Experts share ideas about IP commercialization

Owning intellectual property is one thing; making money from it is altogether different.

BIP Asia: ASEAN supports IP commercialization and technology transfer

In the recently concluded 12th Business of IP Asia Forum held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibi...