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Asia IP

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Asia IP Trademark Rankings 2023

Unveiling the top trademark firms of 2023 - Discover the standout performers.

Asia IP Profiles 2023

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Survey reveals gender bias in Hong Kong’s legal sector

23.7 percent of the female respondents said they are often “advised” to choose a different specialty...

Singapore youth aware of IP, but knowledge of IP protection limited, says survey

Seventy percent of youths in Singapore know about intellectual property. Of all the IP assets, copyr...

2022 IP Profiles Survey

In September, Asia IP will publish the 2022 edition of Asia IP Profiles. This guide is the definitiv...

The 2021 Asia IP Trademark Survey

The top-ranked trademark firms of 2021 - find out who they are now!

Hong Kong’s IP awareness is still high according to survey

In spite of the massive destruction caused by the rampage of “Godzilla vs. Kong,” the city’s intangi...

The 2021 Asia IP Copyright Survey

The results of the 2021 Asia IP Copyright survey are revealed. Which firms made the cut?