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Asia IP

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Thailand releases statistics on IP infringements

The number of products confiscated increased by 33.73 percent over the same time last year despite a...

Managing IP in a conflict zone

How can businesses protect their IP rights in the midst of safety hazards and geopolitical tension?

Choosing electronic evidence to achieve maximum litigation benefits

Electronic evidence facilitates litigation by reducing the once-costly burden of gathering evidence....

Human-robot presscon at AI summit: What it means to the IP world

While AI is innovative in many aspects, several concerns were raised during the robot press conferen...

Thai sector collaborates with IPR owners to combat IP infringement

Thailand Is currently working with different sectors to combat IP infringement.

IP infringement and data misuse: The dark side of the dark web

The internet isn’t just Facebook and cat videos. The Dark Web is full of marketplaces selling counte...

Thailand’s first judgment to test ecommerce platform liability for IP infringement

With the growth of technology and internet use, consumers are increasingly shifting toward online sh...

IP infringement, John Doe orders and privacy protect features for domain names

A John Doe order is passed when the violator’s identity is unknown. In this case, the Defendants can...