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Asia IP

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Weak copyright compliance hounds India’s music publishing industry, according to report

IP lawyer discusses the issue and recommends measures for improving copyright compliance

Malaysia, TikTok team up to improve IP compliance

Their goal is to make sure that the platform’s intellectual property policy and enforcement comply w...

Cryptocurrency, CBDC need to straddle data privacy and financial compliance, says finance executive

There is a real tension between data privacy and financial compliance.

Airwallex Has Named Jeanette K. Chan As Chief Compliance Officer & General Counsel

Fintech company Airwallex has named Jeanette K. Chan as chief compliance officer and general counsel...

IP and Regulatory Challenges for Food Companies in Thailand

Intellectual property and food authorities frequently fail to see eye to eye. Clemence Gautier ...

Minor Markets Move Towards Compliance

Some of the poorest countries in the region – as well as those racked by war, famine and oppre...