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Asia IP

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Features of legal protection and advantages of a well-known trademark

A well-known trademark is a special type of trademark that has certain features and a number of adva...

Distribution and franchising in Russia

For the purposes of dynamic development of any large and ambitious company, entering a new market is...

What does an applicant need to do before a successful trademark registration in Russia?

The procedure for registering a trademark in Russia begins with Rospatent. After filing, the applica...

State registration of disposal of exclusive rights under a contract

The turnover of exclusive rights becomes almost commensurate with the turnover of material things, w...

Jurisdiction of the IP Court over disputes of unfair competition

In accordance with Paragraph 9 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006, N 135-FZ “On the Pr...

Better late than never

Intellectual property in a broad sense does not include only registration, maintenance and disposal...

Russia: Free use of patents

Two authors who do not know each other can create similar but creatively independent intellectual pr...

Russia: Features of claims for the protection of the right to a brand name in the current practice of the Russian IP Court

This article examines the problematic issues that arise in law enforcement practice on the protectio...