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Asia Pacific

Changes to the Australian Designs Act

Changes to the Australian...

Among these is the inclusion of a grace period. During this...

To address GII laggards, IPOPHL recommends the formation of multi-sectoral organizations

To address GII laggards,...

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL)...

According to a New Study, Malaysian Companies Likely to Experience Data Breach

According to a New Study,...

According to a new poll, 73% of Malaysian businesses believe...

Divorce, art and copyright

Divorce, art and copyrigh...

A divorce case between an artist and her husband in New Zeal...

Supreme People’s Court of China confirms jurisdiction over SEP global rate setting in OPPO v. Sharp

Supreme People’s Court of...

A local expert discusses the verdict in great detail.

David Kennedy named managing director, Australia, at Spruson & Ferguson

David Kennedy named manag...

Sprusons also announces upcoming merger with Shelston IP, a...

Mike Flint named new partner at James & Wells

Mike Flint named new part...

Christchurch-based lawyer joins firm from Marks & Clerk in H...

Writers of Taiwanese Song Accused Of Plagiarism

Writers of Taiwanese Song...

The successful Taiwanese song "Your Name Engraved Herein," w...

Australia declares support for TRIPS waiver for Covid-19 vaccines

Australia declares suppor...

Trade Minister Dan Tehan confirmed this development to journ...

Singapore’s amended Copyright Act grants rights over wedding photos to photographers

Singapore’s amended Copyr...

Creators of photographs, portraits, engravings, sound record...

Young people in Malaysia with groundbreaking inventions increasing

Young people in Malaysia...

Maryam Muzamir who may get to patent her award-winning lives...

South Korean startup beats Apple for a patent fight in the United States

South Korean startup beat...

The winner has not taken the grand prize yet as it still has...

Over 220,000 industrial designs from IP Australia now part of EUIPO platform

Over 220,000 industrial d...

IP Australia has joined DESIGNview, enabling more than 220,0...

Initiative To Assist SMEs To Expand Globally Launched

Initiative To Assist SMEs...

To help 100 micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSME...

JPO Refuses Request To Register Demon Slayer Costume

JPO Refuses Request To Re...

The request to register Tanjiro's costume pattern as intelle...
