
September 2023 - Volume 15 Issue 9 - Sep, 2023
- Striving to connect and promote: The story of the Taiwan Trademark Association
- Rise of the machines: Ownership of intellectual property created by artificial intelligence
- Means-plus-function language: Inconsistency between the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
and jurisdictional courts
- IP Experts 2023: South Korea
- Consumer interest: In trademark litigation, are consumers the missing party?
- IP Experts 2023: Israel
- The neurotechnology and data privacy interface
- IP Experts 2023: Singapore
- Rise of plant-based meat pushes review of IP strategies
- Managing the tax implications of transactions with IP rights
- Patent Rankings 2023
- Protecting software and computer-implemented inventions
- (ASEAN) Tiger Pictures Entertainment Ltd v. Encore Films Pte Ltd: An expedited process in the interest of justice?
- (India) The perils of not naming the correct inventors
- (Philippines) Quo Vadis, cannabis patents?
- (Russia) Free use of patents