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Volume 14 Issue 5

Volume 14 Issue 5 - May, 2022

Cover Story
- Affixing a brand to a venue: how complicated can it get?

- IP filing in multiple jurisdictions: How to navigate contrasting laws 
- A look at trademark dilution – and how it impacts brands
- When trademarks are used as a war strategy
- Indonesia IP Experts 2022
- Thailand IP Experts 2022
- Court's Endeavors will make injunction orders effective in trademark disputes
- What we should know from the first NFT infringement case in China
- Improving Taiwan’s patent search application environment
- Legal issues around KOL marketing in Hong Kong and mainland China 
- Court's endeavors will make injunction orders effective in trademark disputes

- Medical Use Claims in ASEAN countries
- ASCI guidelines for advertising and promotion of virtual digital assets and services