Level 10, Tower E3, The Towers, Oriental Plaza
No. 1 East Chang An Avenue
Beijing 100738
+86 10 8518 8598
E-mail Address:
David Cheng
Areas of Expertise
Patents, Trademarks, Enforcement, IP Litigation, Licensing & Franchising, Pharma & Biotech

David Cheng is one of China’s first generation of patent attorneys and patent litigators and is a founding partner of Ge Cheng & Co. He has represented his both domestic and foreign clients, particularly in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotech, to protect their IP rights with quality in China and abroad since 1986. Cheng works with his outstanding teams handling IP concerning all technics for the prosecution and litigation in China.
Cheng has bio-medical and law degrees and is involved in many activities and events in FICPI, the Chinese Patent Attorneys Association, the Beijing Patent Attorney Association as well as LES China, AIPPI, INTA and IPO.