7/8th Floor, Scitech Place,
22 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave
Beijing 100004
E-mail Address:
Bradley Yu
Areas of Expertise
Trademarks, Copyright, Enforcement, IP Litigation, Licensing & Franchising

Bradley Yu is one of the founding partners of Unitalen Attorneys at Law. Yu practices primarily in trademark, trade dress, unfair competition, domain name, licensing and anti-counterfeiting matters. His practice concentrates on the selection, acquisition, maintenance, and defense of trademarks and copyrights in China and throughout the world, and on related business transactions involving trademarks and copyrights such as licensing.
Yu has substantial experience in the protection of trademarks, copyrights and other forms of intellectual property, including the prosecution of applications for registration of such properties and the development and implementation of worldwide protection strategies. He has been involved in numerous licensing and other intellectual property-related corporate transactions. He has participated actively on behalf of a wide variety of domestic and foreign clients in both courts and administrative agencies of numerous patent, trademark, trade dress and copyright infringement cases.