WIPO Sees Rise in Domain Name Arbitrations
09 November 2012

The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has released figures relating to domain name arbitrations conducted under its Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), report Jürgen Bebber, a senior associate, and Andrew Sykes, a trade marks lawyer, at Griffith Hack.
Last year, WIPO processed a record 2,329 UDRP complaints, representing an 8% increase since 2007, say Bebber and Sykes.
Almost 30% of the total number of UDRP complaints lodged with WIPO were settled prior to a decision on the written record. Of the remainder, complainants succeeded in 85% of the decisions.
“The increased utilisation of WIPO’s UDRP process reflects its effectiveness in allowing brand owners to take action against abusive domain name registrations,” the lawyers say. “The UDRP is gaining recognition as a cost-effective tool in pursuing domain name disputes. With decisions usually issued in two to three months from the date of filing the complaint, the UDRP is able to provide remedies in a timely manner.”
Bebber and Sykes say WIPO is also considering removing paper pleadings from the process, allowing the entire procedure to be conducted in a paperless environment. “This will reduce the cost of a UDRP proceeding and also enable proceedings to be commenced earlier,” they said.