Taiwan Intellectual Property Office Publishes 4th Copyright Act Draft Amendment
17 June 2016
In line with the development of internet era and digital convergence, the third draft amendment to Copyright Act was published from October 30 to November 30, 2015 seeking public inputs. After revising its text, the fourth draft amendment was published on April 13, 2016. The publication remained till May 14 for public inputs.
According to TIPO's website, the key revisions of the fourth draft include: 1. modifications to the exploitation of the commissioning party, 2. fair use provisions relating to the scope of "proceedings concerning applications made in accordance with laws and regulations", 3. fair use provisions for archives such as library, 4. fair use provisions for non-profit activities, 5. fair use provisions for republishing of material commenting on current events, and 6. statutory damages provisions and reinstatement of provisions relating to optical disks for prosecution without the requirement of a complaint.
An online platform “Join Discussion” managed by the National Development Council is designed for public to express opinions. There are five topics under discussion: 1. revision to the right of public release, 2. fair use of distance education, 3, fair use of non-profit activities, 4. fair use of library, and 5. compulsory licensing of orphan works.