Protection of Partial Designs
22 August 2012

The concept behind partial designs, as is prevalent in jurisdictions including the United States, Japan and the European Union, is that the novelty may reside even in a portion of the entire article and thus such portions are required to be given protection. For instance, a uniquely shaped and configured knife handle is capable of being protected through partial designs irrespective of the shape and configuration of the blade. Thus, any person using or making similarly designed handle for any shape and configuration of the blade would be prohibited by the protected partial design of the knife handle. Partial designs are generally depicted with the help of dashed or dotted lines such that the portion of the design being claimed is shown with solid lines while the unclaimed portion is shown with dotted or dashed lines. The portion shown with dotted lines depicts the environment in which the design sought to be protected exists, such as the knife blade shown with dotted lines depicts that the uniquely configured handle is to be used with a knife blade, however, no claim is being made to any particular shape of the knife blade and the only claim is on the handle.