Jon W Dudas Has Joined Foley & Lardner As Partner
22 November 2012

Jon W Dudas, former Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), has joined Foley & Lardner as a partner in the firm’s Washington office, where he works with the intellectual property and public affairs practices.
Dudas was confirmed to his former post by the US Senate in July 2004. He advised President George W Bush, the Secretary of Commerce, and the administration about intellectual property matters and administered the laws of granting patents and trademarks and the day-to-day management of the US$2 billion agency and its more than 9,000 employees. As head of the USPTO, he also developed and articulated administration positions on patent, copyright, and trademark issues, both domestic and foreign.
In his role as the nation’s top patent official, Dudas spearheaded an unprecedented number of patent cooperation and development missions with the European Union, China, Japan, Korea and other countries.