India’s IPO relaxes deadlines until May 3, 2020
23 April 2020

All offices under the administrative control of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks remain closed until May 3, 2020.
According to Krishna & Saurastri Associates, the due dates for submission of documents in respect of the IP applications filed with the patent & design and trademark offices, for completion of various acts/proceedings, replies to examination reports and payment of fees as per the provisions in the Indian Patents Act, Designs Act and Trade Marks Act and Rules thereunder have been relaxed up to May 3, 2020.
Hearings scheduled up to May 3, 2020 also stand adjourned and fresh hearing dates would be communicated thereafter.
The e-filing services of the offices under the CGPDTM remain unaffected and accessible at all times.
Johnny Chan