India made US$ 4.68 million from IP in 2012-13
07 April 2014

The intellectual property office of India has made over Rs 282 crore (US$ 4.68 million) from intellectual property, with four key areas of intellectual wealth - patents, designs, trademarks and geographical indications (GI) registry.
The Times of India cited P Sanjay Gandhi, a GI expert and president of the Intellectual Property Rights Attorneys Association, that “Perhaps due to shortage of staff and experts, except designs, grant of award of protection in all the other three areas of intellectual property have witnessed a fall during the year.”
According the annual report released by the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM), there were 4,126 patents granted out of the 43,674 applications in 2012-13, decreased from the 4,381 in 2011-12. On the trademark side, the number of registered marks fell to 44,361 from the previous year's 51,735.
"There are not enough examiners who are experts in fields as varied as science, technology and computers. Recruitments lack speed and are not in tune with the increased requirement," said Gandhi. Also, more revenue could be mobilized if a separate fee structure is introduced for foreign applicants seeking registrations in India, he said.