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Asia IP

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Thailand’s Well-known Trademark Registration Process Proves a Success

Owners of well-known trademarks are reaping the rewards of Thailand’s trademark registration&n...

Trademark Trends in Japan

Trademark lawyers in Japan are living in interesting times, with momentum gathering against tra...

Keeping Your Secrets Safe

You cannot afford to have your trade secrets and critical customer or technical information walk out...

Playing Defence

In 2011, Korea’s biggest legal battles appear to pit patent attorneys against attorney and Kor...

The Sharks are Circling

Australia’s Federal Court’s decision in the recent Sporte Leisure case may help brand ow...

Keywords and Trademarks

Vishnu Rethinam takes a peek into litigation over use of trademarks as keywords in internet adv...

Changes Ahead

From reforms of its infrastructure to appointing a retired High Court judge, India’s Intellect...