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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Before Sue-set

After all settlement claims are made and no agreement is reached, litigation will be inevitable.&nbs...

Before Sue-rise

Much can be done by both law firms and companies to resolve disputes before hitting litigation. John...

LESI 2017’s Augmented Reality

Whether you are an attendee of LESI 2017 or not, this feature will help you dive into the kaleidosco...

Rogue One: A Fake Goods Story

In factories far, far away… an empire of counterfeits is formed and becomes the death star for brand...

IP Valuation 101

Lawyers across Asia talk with Johnny Chan about IP valuation, discussing everything from its ra...

China’s Licensing Boom

The government’s ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative aims to turn the country from a m...

External Affairs

When intellectual property rights are illicitly sold and found, what strategies should right holders...