Asia IP
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Fraudulent signatures deal major blow to a Schedule A litigation case
This questions patent validity and exposes systemic legal flaws.
Illegal streaming devices in online marketplaces: to stop piracy, SG authorities step up efforts
Problems remain as sellers on ecommerce can easily create new accounts, among others.
GIPC 2024: Boosting ecommerce innovation and IP generation
ONDC is trying to unbundle ecommerce platforms and expand innovation that encourages diversity.
Myanmar establishes guidelines for the new registration requirements for ecommerce
The MOC has recently issued ecommerce guidelines to secure the country’s ecommerce ecosystem.
‘Mystery shopper’ aids Saudi authorities in IP rights enforcement
Programme helped authorities issue nearly US$400,000 in fines.
IP challenges behind livestreaming ecommerce in China
Livestreaming ecommerce is taking China by storm, and has reached more than 388 million streaming vi...
Thailand’s first judgment to test ecommerce platform liability for IP infringement
With the growth of technology and internet use, consumers are increasingly shifting toward online sh...