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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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How IP drives breakthroughs in chemical engineering

Experts recommend strategies for protecting IP rights in innovations related to green energy and bio...

Unlocking the power of innovation: How IP fuels business growth

In recent years, Asia-Pacific countries emphasized innovation and R&D efforts, resulting in a surge...

The intersection of EVs and IP

Makers of electric and autonomous vehicles are innovating at breakneck speed and trying to exploit t...

Mitsubishi Electric wins trademark infringement lawsuit in China

The company is up against factory-automation product counterfeiters.

Singapore: Sunseap Group Pte Ltd & 2 Ors v. Sun Electric Pte Ltd

In Sunseap Group Pte Ltd v. Sun Electric Pte Ltd [2019] SGCA 4 (Sunseap v. Sun Electric), the Court...