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Asia IP

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Is your brand well-known in another country?

Understanding the ins and outs of well-known status and legal protections is vital.

Distribution and franchising in Russia

For the purposes of dynamic development of any large and ambitious company, entering a new market is...

Asia IP 2024 Trademark Rankings

Unveiling the top trademark firms of 2024 - Discover the standout performers.

Capitalizing on Paris 2024

Just because millions of potential customers are watching the Olympics doesn’t mean that a company c...

What should we know about the names of drugs?

When it comes to naming drugs, there’s more to consider than simply coming up with a snappy trade na...

Misappropriated Trademark Applications in Japan

Trademark owners face potential risks in Japan when it comes to brokers who register marks unscrupul...

Hong Kong IP office to issue electronic Certificates of Registration beginning on June 28, 2024

A good step toward going digital, but the IP office can do more, says laywer.

Australia’s amended Trade Marks Act and Regulations, Patents Regulations come into effect

An overview of the amendments, which include an updated trademark classification of goods and servic...