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Asia IP

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Imagineer is determined to get its MEDABOTS trademark back in Europe

This legal fight has a bigger scale than the battles seen in the video game.

The Beijing Redbull Trademark Dispute: What We Can Learn From It

The lawsuit was a dispute about the ownership of “RedBull” trademark registrations in China

Champion wins trademark infringement case in China

♪ We are the champions, my friends. And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end, ♫ sings the brand owner...

MGM caught in Miss Asia trademark infringement spat

An IP expert shares whether the venue owner is liable to the misdoing committed by the event organiz...

NZ trademark suit highlights issue of discrepancy between colour swatch and written description

Description indicates one shade of green while colour swatch shows another.

China establishes the fourth IP court at Hainan Free Trade Port

The country is determined to enhance protection for both domestic and foreign companies.

Michael Jordan Wins Trademark Dispute In China

The court considered that 乔丹 as the translated name of the plaintiff's surname "Jordan" has long b...

Clothing apparel holds release of "Python" design

Is it possible to protect tattoo designs?