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Asia IP

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JPO rejects Armani’s opposition in Eagle logo

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) has rejected Armani's opposition to Japanese TM Reg No. 6214148 for V-...

Late filing of evidence in a trademark opposition proceeding, pardoned!

This matter pertains to registration of the mark “BEABA” at the IPOS filed under No. 40201909817Y in...

The launch of oral trials in trademark review and adjudication cases in China

Reforms to China’s trademark review and adjudication system have brought about the use oral trials f...

Chuanhong Long succeeds Hao Ma as president of CCPIT

Ma, who has retired, will continue to serve the firm as of counsel.

Trademark applications in Cambodia reaches a high in 2020

Trademark applications in Cambodia reached 7,996, a 30% increase over 2019.

From Clothing the Gap to Clothing the Gaps because of “Gap”

Clothing label forced to rebrand after trademark infringement dispute.

Months into the pandemic, what has been the effect on IP registration?

In many countries in Asia, not surprisingly, there has been a steady number or decrease of registrat...

How IP impacts influencer advertising

Social media influencers in New Zealand are facing new guidelines which will require them to clearly...