Asia IP
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A look at trademark dilution – and how it impacts brands
The more successful the trademark is, the more likely it may become generic, which causes the tradem...
IP filing in multiple jurisdictions: How to navigate contrasting laws
Differences in legislation concerning intellectual property rights, how they are recognized and how...
Affixing a brand to a venue: How complicated can it get?
Affixing a brand name to a theatre, coliseum or stadium is becoming more common, and is already very...
China issued Standards for Judging General Trademark Violations
To optimize the management of trademarks and the enforcement against trademark violations, the Chine...
INTA releases Report on the Taxation of Trademarks and Complementary Rights in Europe
The International Trademark Association (INTA) on Monday, May 2, released its Report on the Taxation...
IP infringement, John Doe orders and privacy protect features for domain names
A John Doe order is passed when the violator’s identity is unknown. In this case, the Defendants can...
Various IPR Amendments on Korean Acts Effective April 20
Various amendments to the Korean Patent Act, Trademark Act, and Design Protection Act will take effe...
Singaporean tech startup tries to register bird logo, loses trademark battle against Twitter
Singaporean technology startup VV Technology lost its trademark battle against Twitter after princip...