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Asia IP

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Indonesia among the most IP applications, says WIPO

Indonesia also made it to the top 10 middle-income nations with the most trademark registrations

Singapore: Corporate names, domain names and social media handles serve as evidence towards trademark use

(the subject mark) under, amongst others, Class 37 for certain services in relation to flooring and...

Did Chrissy Teigen copy Auckland cake shop’s trade dress for baking kits?

IP lawyer says it’s hard to prove that packaging is deceptively similar.

The World Cup: FIFA does battle against IP infringers

With the World Cup’s knockout round set to begin, Espie Angelica A. de Leon looks at another mighty...

Declassifying trade secret licensing

Trade secrets can be a useful form of intellectual property protection. They often come at a much lo...

Restrictive covenants How do they affect employees, trade secrets and non-competes?

While trade secrets don’t require public disclosure, they don’t provide significant protection from...

Trademark advertising in India through Google Ads – Current scenario

India has been pro-actively dealing with trademark registrations, infringements and safeguarding pro...

Singapore: Importance of the use of a registered mark in a revocation action

In Singapore, a registered trademark may be susceptible to cancellation if it has not been used with...