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Asia IP

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Co(rona) Rush

What has happened in the Korean IP scene in the past few months?

What constitutes anticipation by previous communication to the government?

A look at the case law in India surrounding previous communication.

Artificial intelligence and trends in patenting

How has IP law been developed and interpreted in and around the technology based on AI?

Januar Jahja and Partners boosts patent and litigation teams

New hires bring nearly two decades of experience to Jakarta-based firm.

Europe is a global hub for innovation in 3D printing, new study from European Patent Office shows

Surge in additive manufacturing is part of the broader, rapid rise of digital technologies overall,...

Statistics show China’s major IP indicators in sync with development expectations

Positive outlook for IP in China, according to China National Intellectual Property Administration s...

Edith Hamilton named senior patent counsel at DCC

Melbourne-based lawyer has expertise in complex patent opposition matters.

Webinar on Invalidation Trial vs. Opposition System in Japan on July 14

Shiga International Patent Office in Tokyo will be conducting the free live webinar via Zooom.