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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Tracing the trail of IP forensic analysis

With the increasing importance of IP rights and the digitization of data, IP owners are advised to e...

Clampdown on digital piracy: Vietnam to form specialized unit for the task

The move is encouraging for a country where copyright infringement is sometimes associated with orga...

Digital celebrities: The reality of IP in a virtual world

From loss of revenue to IP misuse, virtual celebrities give rise to significant intellectual propert...

What to know about India’s new data protection act

This marked the end of over half a decade of the country’s quest for a dedicated data protection law...

Lessons from the SAG strike

With Hollywood’s 118-day strike resolved, production can finally resume on our favourite evening TV...

Protecting software and computer-implemented inventions

Software is now a vital part of innovation across various sectors, but many nations lack sufficient...

Unlocking the power of innovation: How IP fuels business growth

In recent years, Asia-Pacific countries emphasized innovation and R&D efforts, resulting in a surge...

3 digital storytelling platforms, 1 copyright infringement suit

In India, an online storytelling platform filed a suit against another, third one cried foul.