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Asia IP

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Myanmar now accepts industrial designs registrations

This was announced on January 31, 2024, following the enforcement of the Industrial Design Law on Oc...

IPOPHL, EUIPO extend partnership to tackle issues on AI, cybersecurity, metaverse

Other new suggested areas of collaboration include industrial designs.

AIPPI 2023: Protecting industrial designs with copyright

These IP lawyers discuss issues and current developments to what extent industrial designs can be pr...

Myanmar issues new rules on industrial designs

The Rules supplement the provisions of the Industrial Design Law, which was enacted in 2019.

India’s IP office seeks comments, suggestions for manuals revision

Manuals and guidelines for revision are those for patents, designs, trademarks, GIs and copyright.

Industrial designers turn to the metaverse

Industrial designers are driven to create the finest possible user experience. As engineering and de...

Code-generated GUIs are protectable designs!

In a recent ruling (March 20, 2023), the High Court of Calcutta has provided much needed relief to t...

Greater transparency about fashion items via labelling

IP attorney from NZ discusses Adrian Hailwood and the subject of duplicate designs