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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Did Chrissy Teigen copy Auckland cake shop’s trade dress for baking kits?

IP lawyer says it’s hard to prove that packaging is deceptively similar.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: Consequences of winding business down for a brand

Russian courts have demonstrated willingness in numerous cases to protect a trademark even if its ow...

Brand owners should have mechanisms for monitoring IP infringing content

Trademark incident involving Amazon and popular Indian beverage underscores need to have such mechan...

Strategizing brand protection and management to augment company value

Without a proper trademark strategy, a company may become vulnerable to unnecessary challenges, incl...

Tips for brand owners to navigate India’s IP landscape

To attract investment from companies and IP holders to manufacture and distribute their products in...

A look at trademark dilution – and how it impacts brands

The more successful the trademark is, the more likely it may become generic, which causes the tradem...

Affixing a brand to a venue: How complicated can it get?

Affixing a brand name to a theatre, coliseum or stadium is becoming more common, and is already very...

When should you rebrand?

The Facebook-to-Meta rebranding rocked the tech world in October 2021. Spurred by perhaps the bigges...