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Asia IP

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The growth of non-fungible tokens

Collectors have gone crazy over non-fungible tokens, a blockchain-driven authentication technology i...

Copyright Society of China launches copyright blockchain protection

On June 1, 2021, The Copyright Society of China (CSC), a professional institution under the National...

Blockchain and IP and the new normal

With blockchain getting a boost from the Covid-19 pandemic, the technology has a huge potential to r...

LIZHI announces partnership with AntChain for blockchain copyright protection

The Chinese online user generated audio community and interactive entertainment platform works with...

Blockchain Technology and IP

Gilbert Leong, a senior partner at Denton's Singapore, sits down with Asia IP to talk about the link...

China contributes half of the global blockchain patent applications

The country is not only dominating the world with economic power, but technologies and innovations a...

“One-stop copyright registration window” for indie musicians in China set to open

The government of China is launching a “one-stop copyright registration window” service for independ...