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Asia IP

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IPOPHL extends Juana Make a Mark Program to empower 1,000 more women-led MSMEs

The initiative is also part of the recent celebration of National Women's Month

Lila G. Quirino: Her own evolution

Today’s young female attorneys “are tough, and ready to go through the rigors of enforcement work wi...

Women under-represented in IP leadership roles, according to INTA report

The big picture of women in IP, according to INTA’s The Women’s LeadershIP Initiative Report and Bes...

INTA hosts virtual forums on gender diversity in IP to mark International Women’s Day

To be held in various time zones on March 8, the forums are among other events by INTA celebrating t...

INTA 2020 Annual Meeting to hold Women’s LeadershIP Initiative Workshop

The workshop is part of a program aimed at including more women in trademark and allowing them to as...

Darani Vachanavuttivong: Taking on a different challenge and finding it fun

Vachanavuttivong is one of APAC’s top IP lawyers.

Aleli Angela Quirino: A toughie in the time of gender parity

Quirino's experience as a female IP lawyer.

The IP experience according to Asia’s Women of IP

Women of IP, in honour of International Women's Day.