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Asia IP

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Indigenous Knowledge Consultations 2021 by IP Australia open until May 25, 2021

IP Australia aims to improve IP protection for traditional knowledge, cultural expressions by indige...

India’s Design (Amendment) Rules 2021

The Rules adopt the Locarno Classification, streamline application, prosecution process for industri...

DPIIT and DKPTO sign MoU to establish cooperation in the field of IP

Technical cooperation between India and Denmark to strengthen the protection of IP rights for the be...

Australian law firms remain profitable, despite Covid-19

A report says that law firms are reexamining the need to work from ‘premium towers’ post-coronavirus...

The Khadi and Village Industries Commission takes down illegal Khadi products online

The Commission’s chairman and the lawyer involved share the nuts and bolts of this action through vi...

Peter Bartlett named first Australian to lead IBA’s Legal Practice Division

Bartlett provides media reputational advice to clients including Qantas and Fairfax Media.

Malaysia’s thriving film animation industry and IP

Are the country’s cartoon film creators ready for IP issues?

Australia explores possible new GI right under Australia-EU Free Trade Agreement

Protecting certain EU GI rights in Australia may be more complicated for the food and beverage indus...