Asia IP
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Spruson & Ferguson appoints three principals among 14 Asia, Australia promotions
Ken Bolton, May Chan and Adelia Lin promoted to principal.
India’s Khadi gets trademark in Mexico, UAE and Bhutan
KVIC, a statutory body formed by the Government of India in 1957, acquired its latest trademark regi...
Australian court rules on trademark, copyright case involving Greenpeace and local power company
How will the case impact Australia's IP scene? An Australian IP expert has their say.
Australia introduces patent box for medical, biotech companies
The patent box serves to incentivize local firms to innovate and commercialize in Australia.
Vietnam makes move against trademark applications for local rice varieties in Australia, US
The application stands a slim chance, according to a lawyer, and serves a lesson to Vietnamese SMEs
The value of trade secrets
Many companies are unaware that a single new production technique or formulation results in a trade...
The Philippines remains off USTR's Special 301 watch list for eighth year
The Philippines has remained off the United States Trade Representative's watch list, which flags co...
Yen Yen Oon named head of patents and industrial designs at Henry Goh Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur-based patent agent handles drafting, prosecution and contentious matters in Malaysia an...