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Asia IP

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Can OEM Production be Regarded as Trademark use in China?

Can products manufactured in China and exported to foreign countries infringe upon a China-registere...

The Campfire Stories of IP Enforcement in China

In part one of a two-part series, seasoned IP practitioners share with Michelle Ko noteworthy e...

Infringers: Profanity War

For the past decade, Asia IP has covered numerous trademark infringement cases. Some have simply bee...

Venture Debt Alternatives Emerge in Silicon Valley

Long subject to the whims of venture debt, entrepreneurs and startup companies have a new model to t...

Paving the ‘Passing Off’ Lane: India’s Toyota Prius Judgment

India's Supreme Court departs from passing off precedents.

To Be (Listed) or Not to Be

“To be or not to be” is what Hamlet famously asks himself, but Slater & Gordon may have...