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Asia IP

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Asia Steps Up in Trademark Enforcement

While trademark laws vary from country to country, the aim of stronger enforcement is the same globa...

Vietnam: Preparing for an Infringer’s Countermeasures

Protecting your intellectual property involves more than just registering trademarks and being on th...

The Rise of Counterfeit Alcohol in China

As the popularity of alcoholic beverages continues to increase among China’s growing middle cl...

Ambition Unleashed

China is interested in more than just becoming the world’s largest economy: It also wants to s...

50 Licensing Lawyers You Should Know

Whether you're ready to license a patent, a fast-food franchise or the latest software, you...

Social Media: 10 Questions All Businesses Should Consider About Their Online Presence

Regulations and risks abound when a business wades into social media, but the risks are almost ...